Loyola Marymount University

MyLMU University Portal

Students, faculty, and staff at LMU use this digital portal to find needed information and complete day-to-day tasks. I worked with the IT team to re-envision this experience to be more useful, intuitive, and up-to-date.

My Goal

Gain a deeper understanding of student, staff, and faculty needs and redesign their portal to be more intuitive, useful, and user-centered.


We had a small team that included a Product Owner, Project Manager, Developer, ITS Communications Manager, and ITS Help Desk Manager.


Design Consultant, Team of One


Mar 2019 - Aug 2019

Enterprise Web
User Research
UX Design
UI Design

Exploratory research and ongoing concepting, testing, and improvement

Upon hearing complaints from students, faculty, and staff about the internal portal, the IT department decided to hire a UX Designer to investigate the experience and help improve user satisfaction.

Their aim was to establish a practice of gathering feedback and improving the portal based on user needs. I appreciated this user-centered approach and explained the below process for moving forward with these goals.

Methods & participants

To start, I focused on interviewing users and stakeholders to better understand needs and pain points, reviewing analytics to see how the portal is currently used, and reviewing feedback form responses.


total interview participants


students interviewed


faculty & staff interviewed


stakeholders interviewed


days of analytics data reviewed


feedback responses reviewed

I asked questions such as:

  • What have you used the portal for in the last week?
  • How many times have you used it?
  • What university content, information, and tools are most important to you?
  • What are your frustrations with the portal and current tools available?


Faculty and staff want focus on their specific department, whereas students want quick access to a variety of info and guidance


  • Need guidance for different purposes - classes and registration, health & wellness, employment, and success
  • Have many subgroups with differing needs (prospective, international, graduate, transfer, etc.)

Faculty & Staff

  • Want shortcuts for their department
  • Don’t want distracting marketing content
  • Want focus to be on their work and what’s needed
  • Need clear and simple navigation


1. Finding links is the top use, but currently it’s difficult

With the current navigation of the portal, findability is difficult due to long lists, unclear labels, and lack of organization. This was by far the top frustration among all participants interviewed.

“Can be hard to find what I need. There are too many links, which can get confusing. It’s not really organized.”

- Undergraduate student

“Too many links. Too confusing. Too time-consuming to go through the links."

- Administrative coordinator

Existing portal


undergrad students brought up findability issues or confusion about links


staff and faculty also brought up these issues


feedback form responses mentioned findability as a concern

Design implications

  • Ensure findability is prioritized
  • Design a navigation structure that makes sense to users
  • Use clear and expected language
  • Explore additional ways MyLMU can provide value - is MyLMU just a link hub?


Improving navigation to make important links and info easy to find

Since findability was the top concern and reorganizing navigation is a fairly low-effort change to make, we decided to first focus on this as an incremental improvement.

Current navigation

Updated navigation

We changed the current navigation to a mega menu, which broke down the long lists into smaller logical groups and labels that made sense to users we tested with and prioritized frequently accessed links.

How did we determine the updates?

I proposed updates based on usability principles, analytics data, card sorting, tree testing, and direct input from students, faculty, and staff. We decided the final structure as a team by discussing these findings.


months of click data reviewed


card sorting sessions


tree testing responses

Card sorting session


2. Too many systems, logins, and steps

13 different sites are used in the admissions process alone. Many users get frustrated, especially when first starting.

Design implication: focus on a more seamless and cohesive digital experience with fewer logins.

3. Lack of relevance and personalization

Content in MyLMU is not always relevant to users, especially for specific subgroups.

Design implication: determine specific needs of different groups and design a more personalized experience that prioritizes content as needed.

4. Announcements, events, and social info not looked at

11 / 12 students interviewed have never looked at the announcements, events, or social sections of MyLMU.

Design implication: explore different strategies for promoting news and events such as increased prominence or other mediums.

5. Needs to be mobile friendly

“Anything that can be done on tablet or phone, that’s going to be their preferred method.”

- Student Affairs Dean's Office

Design implication: prioritize mobile-first and ensure key tasks can be completed on different devices.


Activity 1: 3 approaches

Based on the above findings, I created 3 high-level approaches and showed these to 15 participants for feedback. While the “flexible and customized” approach had the highest ranking, people still liked aspects of the other options.

Activity 2: Design your dashboard

I also created 32 design concepts that targeted pain points and usability issues we identified and conducted sessions where participants built their own dashboard from components provided.

From these sessions, I ranked the concepts based on what participants chose to include, how high they placed the component, and sentiment about the idea.


Top 5 key concepts arose as highest priority to pursue in next improvements for the portal

Taking themes from participant responses in the above activities, I proposed a priority order of improvements to pursue next for the portal, including these top 5:

1. MyLMU as a central workspace

People expect MyLMU to be their own central hub to manage their work / school life and find and access needed info and tools.


  • Personalized touch
  • Focused experience
  • Quick access to useful and relevant info

2. Dynamic and relevant top tools section

Most users have 2-5 tools they use on a regular basis to complete daily tasks and therefore need easy access to.


  • Customizable favorite links
  • Dynamic and relevant top tools

3. Smarter navigation and search to find unfamiliar links

Users will also use MyLMU to find unfamiliar tools and info on occasion.


  • Organized mega menu
  • Updated and improved smart search
  • Separate tools and info links

4. Support for managing urgent tasks

People want greater support from LMU regarding managing urgent and administrative tasks (e.g. entering timesheets).

5. One consolidated calendar

People are frustrated by having so many calendars and places to go to find relevant events, important dates, and times.


Handing off recommendations for next steps and priority of improvements

During my 6 months on this project, I supported the team in implementing the navigation restructure. I then presented and handed off a series of documents that recommended future improvements, a priority order for these improvements, and incremental steps to reach these states.


Importance of allies as a team of one

I loved that the end-goal of this project is really to help students achieve their dreams and goals. With a system that allows them to quickly access what they need, provide new information and resources that may be useful to them, and inform them of important deadlines and announcements, we have the potential to help students succeed.

However, the big challenge was working as the single UX Designer on a small team tackling the portal for the entire university. I found that explaining the above cause to departments and students I met with really piqued their interest. They appreciated the goal and my efforts to include them and wanted to provide their input and help connect me to more resources for the project.


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